The correct answer is
Step-by-step explanation:
The demand for petroleum or oil rose in the 1800s mainly as a fuel for lighting before which oil was mainly applied as a lubricant and animal drug, but with the development of the oil by refining in the research by Łukasiewicz, it became possible for the whole world to benefit from the high luminosity associated with burning petroleum fuels.
With the refinement of refining technology in the 1800s, petroleum became a more veritable source of energy than coal. Also kerosene products from crude refining proved to be much more affordable and reliable when used in fuel lamps which served to increase the worldwide use of of crude oil products while many of the previously used methods where set aside.
The observation of the commercialization and mechanization of crude oil production by Colonel Drake's discovery of oil in Pennsylvania in 1959 and the 1901 Spindletop discovery, the first major gusher in Texas were the forerunner of the industrialization of the modern petroleum industry in the United States.