The correct answer is: Lacto-Vegetarian.
Step-by-step explanation:
- On the basis of the preference that people have towards different types of food, they can be divided into a number of categories. They are:
- Vegan: The individuals who consume food obtained only from plant components. They abstain themselves from eating any animal product or by-product.
- Semi Vegetarian: The individuals abstain themselves from consuming only red meat products. In addition to plant products they consume other animal products and by-products.
- Lacto Vegetarian: The individuals consume milk as the only animal by-product apart from consuming plant components.
- Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: The individuals consume milk and eggs as the only animal by-products apart from consuming plant components.
- Lacto-ovo-pesco Vegetarian: The individuals consume milk, eggs and fish as the only animal product and by-products apart from consuming plant components.
- Non-Vegetarian: They consume all animal and plant products.