Answer: The correct option is D.
Through the motivation process,people go from motive to need to behaviour to consequence to satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Explanation: Motivation is the process of encouraging or stimulating people to take up actions inorder to accomplish or actualize a a particular goal or objective.
Motivation goes through several processes which include;
Motive/Needs; These are desires,wants and drives within an individual.
Motives/needs are those things which am individual is looking forward to inorder to bring a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment.
Behaviour- These are actions an individual puts up inorder to meet the needs and wants he/she desires.before a need can be met,actions will be put in place inorder to bring about a result.
Consequence- This is the result of the behaviour and actions executed to bring about need satisfaction.Consequence can be positive or negative.
Satisfaction or dissatisfaction- This is the degree to who a need us I met and it's effect on the individual.
When a consequence is positive,it brings about satisfaction but but when it is negative,it brings dissatisfaction.