- Family
- Death
- Fallibility
- Injustice
- Prejudice
Step-by-step explanation:
- Frankenstein finds a letter from his father informing him that his youngest brother William has been found strangled.
- They thought the motive for the murder was the theft of a miniature portrait of their mother that William was wearing round his neck.
- Elizabeth blamed herself for allowing William to wear the miniature and leaving him alone in the country.
- Frankenstein immediately left for Geneva, stopping by on the way to visit the site of his brother's death.
- He found the creature there and realized that he was William's murderer.
- He hesitated to raise the alarm because he felt that no one would believe him.
- When he reached home, he felt bad for Justine, who was arrested and suspected of the murder.
- Justine was awaiting her death and Frankenstein felt guilty.