Largest Number Algorithm
Input n1,n2,n3,b4,n5
if n1>=n2 and n1>=n3 and n1>=n4 and n1>=n5
Print n1 + "is the largest"
else if n2>=n1 and n2>=n3 and n2>=n4 and n2>=n5
Print n2 + "is the largest"
else n3>=n1 and n3>=n2 and n3>=n4 and n3>=n5
Print n3 + "is the largest"
else n4>=n1 and n4>=n2 and n4>=n3 and n4>=n5
Print n4 + "is the largest"
Print n5 + "is the largest"
End if
The remainder of a valid ISBN number is 0
ISBN Algorithm
input isbnnum
Length = Length(isbnnum)
if Length != 10 then
return false;
end if
Checksum = 0
kounter = 0
Num = isbnnum[kounter] - '0'
if 0 > Num or 9 < Num then
return false
end if
Checksum = Checksum + (Num * (10 - kounter))
kounter = kounter + 1
while(kounter < 9)
lastnum = isbnnum[9]
if lastnum != 'X' and (lastnum < '0' or lastnum > '9') then
return false;
end if
if lastnum == 'X' then
Checksum = Checksum + 10
Checksum = Checksum + (lastnum - '0')
end if
if Checksum % 11 == 0 then
Print "Checksum is "
Print Checksum
Print "Remainder is"
Print Checksum % 11
Step-by-step explanation:
The first algorithm determines the largest of 5 numbers
It first accepts input for 5 numbers named n1 to n5
Then it checks one after the other, the largest of the 5 numbers
The second algorithm determines an ISBN Number
1 : This line takes input for ISBN number in variable isbnnum
2 : This line computes the length of variable isbnnum
3: This line checks if the length of the isbnnum is equal to 10
4: If the length is not equal to 10, the algorithm stops execution
6,7: These lines initialise the variable checksum and kounter to 0
8 to 15: These lines compute the checksum using an iterative do loop statement
16: This line saves the last character of variable isbnnum to variable lastnu
17,18,19: These lines checks is lastnum is not X and it is not a number, the algorithm is stops execution of true
20 to 24: These lines add or remove the last character from the checksum
25 to 27: These lines check if the checksum can be divided by 11. If yes, the checksum is printed
28,29: These lines print the remainder, which is 0.