Explanation:There are three major business communication barriers, I will itemize the three and discuss two examples under each....
Semantic barriers:- words are symbols used in business communication may mean different things to things to different people especially from the communicator to the receiver due to language, cultural background, educational background etc.
Poor retention:-the inability to retain information on the part o f the receiver is also an issue....other examples under SEMANTIC includes premature evaluation, failure to communicate, and inattention.
Organization policy:-some policies makes it difficult for members of the same organization to even communicate well thereby causing problems for example in some organizations male and female staffs are not permitted to relate well..
Status relationship:-in the case where superior workers find it difficult to come down to the level of inferior workers can be a barrier, imagine a proud boss who is about to make a huge mistake and wouldn't listen to an inferior worker.. Other barriers under organizational barriers include information overload, rules and regulations, and complexity of organization structure..
Barriers in superior:-when superiors are incorrigible..
Fear to challenge authority:-when those superior officers feel they cannot be challenged or corrected...
Other barriers here include attitude of superiors,lack of time,and lack of awareness...