Answer: the correct option is D (Although it falls within the recommended range in terms of the percentage of total energy intake, her protein intake is less than recommended in terms of the absolute amount needed to maintain a healthy body weight.)
Explanation: Protein is the class of food that serves as an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. It's deficiency can lead to bone defects as experienced by Erin.
According to the nutrition facts panel on food packages, protein provides 4 calories per gramm (4cal/ g).
In order to maintain her weight of 118 pounds, Erin is following a lacto- ovo vegetarian diet that supplies approx. 1200cal/ day. With her understanding , protein intake should be 22.5%/ day( average of 10- 35%/day). When converted to cal/ day is 270cal/day. 270cal/ day when convoy gram is 67.5g/day but she takes 40 g/ day. Following this analysis, her protein intake is less than recommended in terms of the absolute amount needed to maintain a healthy body weight.