Answer:→ late afternoons or early evenings
→post -exercise, that is after the resistance training
When an exercise is targeted towards contractions of skeletal muscles in order to increase muscle hypertrophy that is( its cells, mass, strength and tone) it refers to as resistance training. It is done in such a way that the skeletal muscles is made to contracts against an external resistance e,g (weightlifting, power lifting etc.)
1.Physiologically,(based on body functions) during late afternoons or early evenings two basic factors that favours improved performances usually peak in the body. These are increase in energy storage of the body and relative increase in body temperature.These two factors favoured increase in performance which build muscles cells.
2.Furthermore, during resistance exercises, muscles cells are teared up, with the muscle protein structure broken down. It is therefore advisable to replace the amino acid depletion, by consuming protein, post -exercise, that is after the resistance training to repair the damaged muscle cells(hypertrophy) and thereby the muscle proteins structure. This should be combined with carbohydrate intake to replace the muscle glycogen storage used up by the muscles cells
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