the answer is given by the bone of punet boxes
a. C/C x c/c
c Cc Cc
c Cc Cc
100% agouti coat
In this case C is dominant
b. C/cch x C/c
C cch
C CC Cch
c Cc cchc
75% agouti coat color with the genotypes CC, Cch and Cc. C is dominant.
25% chinchilla because c is recessive to cch.
c.. C/c x C/c
C c
c Cc cc
75% agouti coat color with the genotypes CC and Cc.C is dominant.
25% cc
d. C/ch x ch/c
C ch
ch Cch chch
c Cc cch
50% agouti coat color with the genotypes Cch and Cc.C is dominant.
50% Himalayan with the genotypes chch and cch
e.C/ch x c/c
C ch
c Cc cch
c Cc cch
50% agouti coat color with the genotypes Cc .C is dominant
50% Himalayan with the genotypes cch
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