See proof below
First, notice that if a≠e and a^-1=a, then a²=e (this is an equivalent way of formulating the problem).
a) Since G has even order, |G|=2n for some positive number n. Let e be the identity element of G. Then A=G\{e} is a set with 2n-1 elements.
Now reason inductively with A by "pairing elements with its inverses":
List A as A={a1,a2,a3,...,a_(2n-1)}. If a1²=e, then we have proved the theorem.
If not, then a1^(-1)≠a1, hence a1^(-1)=aj for some j>1 (it is impossible that a^(-1)=e, since e is the only element in G such that e^(-1)=e). Reorder the elements of A in such a way that a2=a^(-1), therefore a2^(-1)=a1.
Now consider the set A\{a1,a2}={a3,a4,...,a_(2n-1)}. If a3²=e, then we have proved the theorem.
If not, then a3^(-1)≠a1, hence we can reorder this set to get a3^(-1)=a4 (it is impossible that a^(-1)∈{e,a1,a2} because inverses are unique and e^(-1)=e, a1^(-1)=a2, a2^(-1)=a1 and a3∉{e,a1,a2}.
Again, consider A\{a1,a2,a3,a4}={a5,a6,...,a_(2n-1)} and repeat this reasoning. In the k-th step, either we proved the theorem, or obtained that a_(2k-1)^(-1)=a_(2k)
After n-1 steps, if the theorem has not been proven, we end up with the set A\{a1,a2,a3,a4,...,a_(2n-3), a_(2n-2)}={a_(2n-1)}. By process of elimination, we must have that a_(2n-1)^(-1)=a_(2n-1), since this last element was not chosen from any of the previous inverses. Additionally, a_(2n1)≠e by construction. Hence, in any case, the statement holds true.
b) Consider the group (Z3,+), the integers modulo 3 with addition modulo 3. (Z3={0,1,2}). Z3 has odd order, namely |Z3|=3.
Here, e=0. Note that 1²=1+1=2≠e, and 2²=2+2=4mod3=1≠e. Therefore the conclusion of part a) does not hold