I do not agree with the interference of foreign countries. Each time this happens there are always a series of inconveniences, since each country must be sovereign over its territory. This was what happened with the Boxer Rebellion. The interference of Britain not wanting to abandon traffic and opium production, while the Chinese government wanted to legalize the business. Reaching agreements with the powers was the best solution
Step-by-step explanation:
Before allowing the rebellion, alternatives had to be sought to resolve these problems, to reach agreements signed with the powers in which both parties would benefit, since opium traffic represented a great source of income for these countries and they were not going to give up easily. , and to Great Britain other powers were added to him like France, Japan and Russians, who were slowly increasing their presence in Chinese lands. A direct confrontation with these powers, as finally happened, meant a defeat for the Chinese, and as a result of this defeat the prestige of China was at its lowest point, in addition to signing a very unfavorable treaty for the interests of the Chinese.