Madrid tiene problemas típicos de gran ciudad como son la contaminación y la pobreza.
Para desestresarse, los madrileños van al Parque del Retiro o al Templo de Debod.
Las actividades más saludables que se pueden hacer en el Parque del Retiro son caminar, correr y andar en bicicleta.
El Medina Mayrit tiene al menos 7 baños árabes, sin embargo esta información no es 100% verificada, pues en la página del hotel no especifica.
Step-by-step explanation:
Madrid has as the typical problems of a big city pollution and poverty. To relax, the people from Madrid go to enjoy the Retiro Park and the Debod Temple.
When it comes to the question Curro and it’s owner, we don’t know what do you mean with only the information. However, it seems it’s an animal, but itself Curro in Spain means “Trabajo”= Work.
The main healthy activities you can do at the Retiro Park are walking, running and ridding bicycles.
The Medina Meyrit has at least 7 arab baths. However it is difficult to know and to be a 100% sure because it is not mentioned in the website.