Answer: these question are well layed, and have been properly answered below.
Step-by-step explanation:
The sculpture was kept in British museum, it is a serpent with heads on each sides. It from cedar wood, which forms the base. The heads of the serpent has holes for eyes white shells were used for teeth.
The snake symbolise 'rebirth'. Because of it's ability to shed its own skin and appear to to look as a reborn snake, or totally different.
It also serves as representation of the earth and the underworld, with each of the head representing one of earth and underworld, It also signifies fertility, in mexico azter.
This artwork is influenced by the political activity of the after emperor who sued for peace and formed a good relationship with the invading nation Spain...
The Olmec mask, is carved from a green stone (dark) which is an artwork.
Its is commonly used ad a pendant rather than a mask, as its name implies, due to its small size.
OLMEC MASK, this us known as an object, which was created by the Olmec civilization.
Its is small in size.
The face is a depiction of an OLMEC KING.
They learnt about the mysterious American culture and its importance to the people of Olmec.
This mask, is very important to the the people of Olmec, because it is rare and they believe it to be mysterious to them in certain ways
It goes back way before the modern days, that is its from the stone ages. When they make ornaments with these types of stone from the Pacific