The ancient Greek education consisted of four main subjects:
- letters
- gymnastics
- music
- drawing
Letters is a study that adapts to all times and circumstances. This includes grammar and composition which lead to the study of Literature. Writing was very important in Greece and learning to read and write well was very important. Learning 'letters' led to Logic and Rhetoric and eloquence. If you could speak fluently and well then you were praised and could earn a very good reputation.
Gymnastics is very important because Greece, being a warring nation, needed all of their males to be fit and strong for battle. Everyone served in the army so they all were required to stay fit and prepared for battle.
Music was seen as a way of communication to the gods and they understood it as an "aid to the inner harmony of the soul. In so far as it is taught as a healthy recreation for the moral and spiritual nature"(Petrus Paulus Vergerius). Anyone who could not sing or play an instrument was considered uneducated.
Drawing was extremely important because the Greeks were an art-loving population. Artists were greatly admired and if you could do art then you were considered an excellent person.