5 votes
Use BlueJ to write a program that reads a sequence of data for several car objects from an input file. It stores the data in an ArrayList list. Program should work for input file containing info for any number of cars. (You should not assume that it will always be seven lines in the input file). Use notepad to create input file "inData.txt". File should be stored in the same folder where all files from BlueJ for this program are located.

Class Car describes one car object and has variables vin, make, model all of String type, cost of type double, and year of int type. Variable vin is vehicle identification number and consist of digits and letters . In addition, class Car has methods:

public double getCost() // returns car’s cost

public String getMake() // returns car’s make

public boolean isExpensive() // returns true if car has cost above 30000 and false


public boolean isAntique() // returns true if car’s has above 50 years, and false

// otherwise

public String toString() // returns string with all car’s data in one line

// separated by tabs.

Design class CarList that has instance variable list of ArrayList type. Variable list is initialized in the constructor by reading data for each car from an input file. Each line of input file "inData.txt" has vin, make, model, cost, and year data in this order, and separated by a space. The data for the first five cars in the input file should be as follows:

1234567CS2 Subaru Impreza 27000 2017

1233219CS2 Toyota Camry 31000 2010

9876543CS2 Ford Mustang 51000 1968

3456789CS2 Toyota Tercel 20000 2004

4567890CS2 Crysler Royal 11000 1951

Add remaining two rows for the two additional cars of your choice.

Class CarList also has the following methods:

public void printList() // Prints title and list of all cars (each row prints one car)
public void printExpensiveCars() //Prints "List of expensive cars:" followed by
// list of expensive cars (one car per row)

public Car cheapestCar() // Method returns Car object with lowest cost.
public int countCarsWithModel(String model) // Method accept model and
// returns count of cars with given model.

//Method antiqueCarList is extra credit.

public ArrayList antiqueCarList () // Returns ArrayList of all antique
//cars from the list.

The last three methods just return the specified data type. Do not print anything within those methods. Just return result, and have explanation printed at the place where those methods are invoked.

Class TestCarList will have main method. In it, instantiate an object from CarList class and use it to invoke each of the five methods from CarList class.

Do not forget to append throws IOException to the constructor of CarList class and main method header in class TestCarList. In addition, you have to provide

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

in order to use Scanner and ArrayList classes from Java.

SUBMIT a single word or PDF document named p1yourLastNameCS152 with the following:

Your name, class section and project number and date of submission in the upper left corner
Copy of the code for each class in separate rectangle (table of size 1x1 with single cell)
Copy of your input file
Picture of program run from BlueJ.

1 Answer

3 votes


Java code is explained below

Step-by-step explanation:

// Car.java

import java.util.Calendar;

public class Car {

private String vin;

private String make;

private String model;

private double cost;

private int year;

public Car(String vin, String make, String model, double cost, int year) {

this.vin = vin;

this.make = make;

this.model = model;

this.cost = cost;

this.year = year;


public String getModel() {

return model;


public double getCost() // returns car’s cost


return cost;


public String getMake() // returns car’s make


return make;


public boolean isExpensive() // returns true if car has cost above 30000 and

// false

// otherwise


if (cost > 30000)

return true;


return false;


public boolean isAntique() // returns true if car’s has above 50 years, and

// false

// otherwise


int cyear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);

if ((cyear-year) > 50)

return true;


return false;


public String toString() // returns string with all car’s data in one line

// separated by tabs.


return vin + "\t" + make + "\t" + model + " " + cost + "\t" + year;




// CarList.java

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CarList {

private ArrayList<Car> type;

public CarList() throws FileNotFoundException {

this.type = new ArrayList<Car>();

Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(new File("inData.txt"));

while (sc1.hasNextLine()) {

String str = sc1.nextLine();

String arr[] = str.split(" ");

type.add(new Car(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], Integer.parseInt(arr[3]),





public void printList()


System.out.println("Displaying cars:");

for(int i=0;i<type.size();i++)





public void printExpensiveCars()


System.out.println("List of expensive cars:");

for(int i=0;i<type.size();i++)








public Car cheapestCar()


int cheapIndx=0;

double min=type.get(0).getCost();

for(int i=0;i<type.size();i++)








return type.get(cheapIndx);


public int countCarsWithModel(String model)


int cnt=0;

for(int i=0;i<type.size();i++)







return cnt;


public ArrayList<Car> antiqueCarList ()


ArrayList<Car> arl=new ArrayList<Car>();

for(int i=0;i<type.size();i++)





return arl;




// TestCarList.java

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TestCarList {

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

CarList cl = new CarList();



ArrayList arl = cl.antiqueCarList();

System.out.println("Displaying the AntiqueCar list:");

for (int i = 0; i < arl.size(); i++) {



System.out.println("Displaying the cheapest car :");


System.out.println("No of Royal model Cars :"+ cl.countCarsWithModel("Royal"));





Displaying cars:

1234567CS2 Subaru Impreza 27000.0 2017

1233219CS2 Toyota Camry 31000.0 2010

9876543CS2 Ford Mustang 51000.0 1968

3456789CS2 Toyota Tercel 20000.0 2004

4567890CS2 Crysler Royal 11000.0 1951

List of expensive cars:

1233219CS2 Toyota Camry 31000.0 2010

9876543CS2 Ford Mustang 51000.0 1968

Displaying the AntiqueCar list:

9876543CS2 Ford Mustang 51000.0 1968

4567890CS2 Crysler Royal 11000.0 1951

Displaying the cheapest car :

4567890CS2 Crysler Royal 11000.0 1951

No of Royal model Cars :1

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