An Incident that Changed my Life:
It was the winter night and I was enjoying the cold, windy breeze by sitting beside my bedroom's window. Suddenly I encountered something unusual.
From my room I could see there was something near a tree, but couldn't really make out what that thing was. So I decided to go out and see it by myself. I grabbed a shawl and went near that tree and I was shocked to see what I was just encountered.
There was a cute little pup who was shivering and who also had an injury on his left paw. I knew that there was no way I'm going to leave him there to die. I decided to take him along and immediately called a vet.
After half an hour the veterinarian arrived and they performed all the necessary first aid. The pup was only three months old who was all alone. I gave it a thought and took a decision to adopt him. And that was the best day of my life when I decided to adopt Kittu, that's my pet's name.
He is now 4 years old and trust me, the happiness and the satisfaction you get by helping such little soul is beyond describable.
If I decided to leave him alone in that cold winter night, then I would have regretted my whole life for taking such poor decision. So be kind always, because kindness costs nothing.