# input the number of temperatures required, which will be 10 here, but the user can print any number.
n=input("Enter the number of temperatures you want")
# create a list which can have n temperatures since it starts from 0, the maximum is n-1, and n needs to be converted to an integer.
temp= [0,int(n)-1]
#declared a variable of float type. As its 0.0 it will be a float, if 0 then integers, and so on
#running a for loop n times, and hence 0 to n-1.
for i in range(0, int(n)):
temp[i]=input("Enter the temperature in degree celsius in float")
s=s + float(temp[i])
print("The sum of the temperatures is:{0:0.1f}", +s)
Step-by-step explanation:
The question from edhesive is: You need to write a program that calls for ten temperatures and then find the sum of temperatures. The temperature should be in float, which is expected. And the program is as being mentioned in the answer section.