As we are not provided with ¹H-NMR spectrum therefore we can not conclude a single result for the minor chlorination of propane with Molecular formula C₃H₆Cl₂.
Hence, we will draw all the possible isomers with molecular formula C₃H₆Cl₂ and predict the ¹H-NMR spectrum for each of them separately.
Below is the structures of possible minor products and the NMR spectrum respectively.
Possible Product A:
If the minor product formed is 2,2-Dichloropropane then it will give only one singlet peak in NMR spectrum.
Possible Product B:
If the minor product is 1,1-Dichloropropane then it will exhibit two triplets and one multiplet as shown in figure.
Possible Product C:
If the minor product is 1,2-Dichloropropane then it will give four peaks in NMR. The extra peak is formed due to two enantiomers about the chiral carbon.
Possible Product D:
If the minor product is 1,3-Dichloropropane then it will exhibit one triplet and one quintet signal as shown in figure.