Time In this world, all other things in life are even more powerful and invaluable than money. If once precious time goes, then it goes forever and never returns; Because it always moves forward and not backwards. It is absolutely true that, if a person does not understand the importance of time, then time also does not understand the importance of that person. If we destroy our time, the time will destroy us very badly. It is true that, "Time never waits for anyone." At one time, time gives only one chance, if we lose it once, then it can never be returned.
This is a wonderful thing, which has no beginning, no end This is a very powerful thing with which objects are born, grow, decrease and destroy. There is no limit to this, so it keeps on running at its own pace. None of us can rule in time at any level of life. Neither can criticize or analyze it. Generally, they are aware of the value and importance of all times, however, many of us lose our patience in the bad times of life and start destroying the time. Time does not stop for anyone nor shows kindness to anyone.
It is said that time is money, though, from this we can not compare money with time because, if we lose money once, then it can get it again by any means, however, if we Once lost time, it can not be recovered by any means. Time is more valuable than money and all other things in the universe. Always changing time shows the unique property of nature, "Change is the law of nature." Everything in this world goes according to time. Everything in this world varies according to time, because, nothing is free from time to time. People think, how long life is, however, the truth is that life is very small and we have many things to do in life. We should use every moment of our life in a proper and meaningful way, without destroying the time.
Our daily routine; As such, the work of the school, the house work, the hours of sleep, the time of waking, the exercise, food should be organized according to the plan and according to the time. We should enjoy hard work and never have to discontinue our good habits later. We should understand the importance of time and according to this we should experiment in constructively, so that we are blessed with time and not destroyed.