Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.
#set list type variable and initialize the elements
myPizza = ['Margarita', 'Capsicum and onion', 'Chicken']
#set variable and initialize the elements
frndPizzas = myPizza[:]
#append value in list variable
#append value in list variable
#print message
print("My pizzas are:")
#set the for loop and print elements of 1st list
for pizza in myPizza:
#print message
print("\\Friend's pizzas are:")
#set the for loop and print elements of 2st list
for frndsPizza in frndPizzas:
My pizzas are:
Margarita Capsicum and onion Chicken Corn
Friend's pizzas are:
Margarita Capsicum and onion Chicken paperica
Step-by-step explanation:
Following are the description of the program:
- Set a list data type variable that is 'myPizza' and initializes elements in it.
- Set another list data type variable that is 'frndPizzas' and initializes elements in it.
- Append one-one element in both of the list data type variables.
- Set the for loops to print the elements of both list data type variables.