Most of the people go out through out their lives without every becoming truly happy because There three kinds of people the good, the bad and the ugly the good are to less in today's world , The bad is subjective if a person behaves badly not necessarily he is bad person it could be because he has experienced the same situation in life he experienced bad things, This time he sits on the wheel to say no, We have to many ugly people now it comes to Bad and Ugly these people could be you and I. We should appreciate if your relative or any one who has been successful appreciate them dont wine about, Greed and Jealous are to most dangerous lottery tickets of unhappiness.So we see sad people not because they have had tragedy but they just cant see them selves achieve as they believe there opponents is doing really good. Social media plays a major benefits from good people to turn them bad from bad people to turn them worst.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Happiness is only in you if you do what your instinct tell you.
- Even if you instinct are negative karma will come make you unhappy.
- Chinese mythology Ying and Yang truly explains well being.
- All treat yourself with happiness, Obese people are confident to.
- Never let judging bring in hatred for yourself. People are no machines.
- Always be nice to nice people dont break them, they dont know politics.
- Epicurus seeks a peaceful life to bring in solution to societal awarness.