The code of this program is executed successfully in Rstudio. you can run the chunk of the these program in RStudio.
This question has multiple part, the answer of the each part is given below in explanation section.
Step-by-step explanation:
x <- readline(prompt="Enter Value for variable x i.e. 911: ")
Enter Value for variable x i.e. 911: 911
> if(x==911) {print ("TRUE")} else {print ("False")}
[1] "TRUE"
Instead of taking value for x from user you can directly assign value to variable x and then check Boolean expression
{print ("TRUE")} else
{print ("False")}
if (y<911){print ("True")}else{print("False")}
First assign the value to variable x and then check the condition (x<-12&&x>25)
x<- -10
{print ("TRUE")} else
{print ("False")}
it will print false
The missing value are