Answer: 1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
1. True. The set P lies in an affine subspace defined by m = n − 1 linearly
independent constraints, that is, of dimension one. Hence, every solution
of Ax = b is of the form x0 + λx1, where x0 is an element of P and x1 is a
nonzero vector. This, P is contained in a line and cannot have more than
two extreme points. (If it had three, the one “in the middle” would be a
convex combination of the other two, hence not an extreme point).
2. False. Consider minimizing 0, subject to x ≥ 0. The optimal solution set
[0, ∞) is unbounded.
3. False. Consider a standard form problem with c = 0. Then, any feasible
x is optimal, no matter how many positive components it has.
4. True. If x and y are optimal, so is any convex combination of them.
5. False. Consider the problem of minimizing x2 subject to (x1, x2) ≥ (0, 0)
and x2 = 0. Then the set of all optimal solutions is the set x1 ≥ 0.
There are several optimal solutions, but only one optimal BFS.
6. False. Consider the problem of minimizing x1−0.5 = max{x1−0.5x3, −x1+
0.5x3} subject to x1+x2 = 1, x3 = 1 and (x
1, x2, x3
) ≥ (0, 0, 0). Its unique
optimal solution is (x1, x2, x3) = (0.5, 0.5, 1) which is not a BFS.