Python code is explained below
Step-by-step explanation:
We calculated maximum number of tacos and maximum number of espandas individually could be ordered in the provided budget which was round down cause no one can order meal in decimals.
In first loop, number of tacos was increasing until it reach the maximum number that can be order in that budget.
In second loop, number of espandas was increasing till it reach the maximum number that can be order, after that total costing was calculated with every possible way the item could be ordered and if the cost of that combination of number of tacos and espandas was equal to the provided budget then number of items ordered can be equally divided among the number of people was checked. When all the conditions were satisfied for the particular combination of meal then the combination was printed.
import math
budget = eval(input("Enter budget:"))
numberOfPeople = eval(input("Enter number of people:"))
nT = math.floor(budget/4) #maximum number of tacos in the budget
nE = math.floor(budget/3) #maximum number of espandas in the budget
for T in range (0,nT):
for E in range (0,nE):
foodPrice = 4*T + 3*E #money cost for that meal
if foodPrice == budget:
TotalFood = T + E #total number of meal
if TotalFood % numberOfPeople == 0:
print(T,"number of Tacos",end = ' and ')
print(E,"number of Espandas")