Now referring back to the question, since a level 1 instruction takes a k nano second which is equivalent to 1 billion of a second, then we will tend to loose a factor of n at each level such that the instruction execution time at level 2 (two), 3 (three), and 4 (four) are kn, kn^2, and kn^3 respectively.
To properly answer this question, we need to first understand what a computer with identical interpreter is and what it does.
It should be understood that an interpreter is a program or tool as the case may be embedded or integrated into a computer, thus giving it the name computer with interpreter. Now going back to defining waht an interpreter is, this is a computer program that directly executes scripted commands written in a programming language language without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program.
Now referring back to the question, since a level 1 instruction takes a k nano second which is equivalent to 1 billion of a second, then we will tend to loose a factor of n at each level such that the instruction execution time at level 2 (two), 3 (three), and 4 (four) are kn, kn^2, and kn^3 respectively.