Component A which includes red, disk-shaped cells with depression at their center would be reduced in a person who is anemic. This component represents red blood cells.
Step-by-step explanation:
The red blood cells or the erythrocytes produced in the bone marrow are specially structured to carry the heme-protein, hemoglobin that transports oxygen to all parts of the body.
RBCs are made up of biconcave discs with inwardly curved edges and a central depression and which help to maneuver through tiny blood vessels.
Lack of or unhealthy production of RBCs affects oxygen transport in the body and makes one feel fatigued and dizzy and could cause shortness of breath or palpitations.
This condition is called anemia and depending upon the nature of RBCs, anemia is classified as aplastic, iron-deficiency, sickle-cell, normocytic, or hemolytic anemia.
In normal total count of blood done in a blood test, if the red blood cells are below normal levels, the condition is termed anemia.