from the sound intensity level,the sound intensity is calculated as:
inserting numbers:
120dB=(10dB)㏒₁₀[l₁/10⁻¹²W/m⁸] or 12=㏒₁₀[l₁/(10⁻¹²)W/m²
Getting the antilog of both sides and obtain 10¹²=l₁(10⁻¹²W/m²)which
can be used to solve for l₁ and get
l₁=(10⁻¹²W/m²)(10¹²)=1 W/m²
since the sound intensity is related to the power and that the power does not change,the sound intensity at any other point can be solved.Plugging-in
ᵃ = 4πr²,into P=l₁ₐ₁=l₂ₐ₂ and get:
l₂=l₁(r₁/r₂)² =(1W/m²)(5/35) =2.04×10⁻²W/m²
since we know the sound intensity at the sound point 2r,the sound intensity level at the point can be solved.We have: