Ethnicity is the culture, practice, or value among group of people.
Gender is refered as the division of a category of population as female and male.
Social class is the position individual who lives in the U.S according to their income,educational qualification, and privilege to other resources.
Race is the physical differences that we can observe among a social group.
Age: in this content we will see age as the level of exposure an individual, has gotten from a social group, that is how matured the individual behavior.
To show the relationship between all this, among the residents in the United State today.
• In the United States, most of the Hispanic are among the poor social class. Their behave more matured, as their are more exposed to different struggle of life. Their female are more beautiful when compared to their males.
• most of the white skins belong to the rich social class. Their are low thinkers in terms of matured behavior, because their have not been exposed to some struggles of life. Their female like dating their males, as most of them don't like mixing race.
• The Blacks are the most exposed groups in terms of maturity, most of them belong to the middle and poor class of the social group. Their all have very similar way of life and value, their male and female loves sports and games
• The Asians are less matured group, which belongs to the rich and poor social class of the Americans, most of their male and female don't participate in sports and games, their have rich culture, and always behave in a similar way.
Theirs are some other race in America, which are very minor group