Which option will cause a business to lose money from a failing product?
D. Continue the product
Step-by-step explanation:
A product can be considered to be failing when the market share of the product starts reducing. This typically implies that most customers are no longer satisfied by the benefits that product gives and that are beginning to look for better alternatives. However, there are strategies that can be utilized to ensure that the product regains it's original market share. These strategies include;
1. Re-branding
Re-branding is the act of creating a new product in the mind of the customer by changing symbols, signs and names that were initially associated with a failing product. This is done to convince the customer that the re-branded product is a different type of product with better qualities than the original product.
2. Spin off the product
A spin off is the creation of a company through the division of a failing department of that company. This serves two purposes, namely; it creates a perception of a new company from the failed department and it also protects the original company from it's departmental failures.
3. Discontinue the product
If a product is failing, removing it completely from the market and terminating it's production will help reduce loses associated with continuing to produce and sell it.
On the contrary, if one decides to continue a failed product, they business will continue suffering loses since the product will continue losing it's market share with time.