Answer: Assimilation - Shlomo, an immigrant from Israel, changing his name to Sam so that he sounds more American
Genocide - The deliberate killing of native people in the Amazon forest to rid the area of indigenous peoples
Pluralism - A neighbourhood that includes Chinese, Mexican, Italian, and Hungarian restaurants
Segregation - Laws that required black students to attend different schools than white students until the 1960s
Step-by-step explanation:
- Assimilation - Assimilation can be defined as a process in which an individual or group integrates and ultimately becomes, in all aspects of life, part of a majority group, an indigenous one that has previously inhabited a particular habitat.
- Genocide - Represents the systematic, organized and biological extermination of a group for racial, ethnic, political, religious, economic reasons.
- Pluralism - The coexistence of different interests and cultures in one space.
- Segregation - representing the separation of people based on different criteria, and as such is contrary to fundamental human rights. In this example, we can see a classic demonstration of racial segregation.