When initially converting the dollars to Danish Kroner you will receive;
DKK 5,333.33
Step-by-step explanation:
The bid price can be defined as the price that buyers are willing to pay for a currency while the ask price is the price that sellers are willing to take for it. In our case;
The bank's bid rate for the Danish Kroner=$0.1875
1 Danish Kroner=$0.1875
This means to convert $1,000 to Danish Kroner, you are selling the Us dollar and buying the Danish Kroner. To buy the Danish Kroner we use the bid rate of $0.1875
Therefor $1,000=(1,000/0.1875)=DKK 5,333.33
But immediately after conversion, you get an emergency that needs your to change your currency back to dollars as follows;
We will utilize the bank's ask rate, for example
1 Danish Kroner=$0.1895
Therefor DKK 5,333.33=(5,333.33×0.1895)=$1,010.67
When initially converting the dollars to Danish Kroner you will receive
DKK 5,333.33