Possible Answers:
Les gens sont sortis lentement. (The people exited slowly.)
Un petit garçon a marché avec sa mère. (A small boy walked with his mom.)
Un homme est descendu les escaliers. (A man descended the stairs.)
Step-by-step explanation:
Take a look at everything in the picture, but think of the simpler actions. For example, someone is walking and someone is grabbing the handle. (Usually, we learn the verb to walk earlier). Think about what words you know how to use or might be in your vocabulary list.
To conjugate into the past tense (for normal verbs):
Take the subject (ils, il, elle etc...) and conjugate "avoir" (to have) in the present tense. We will use third person tenses (il/elle or ils/elles).
Il/elle a
Ils/elles ont
Then, decide what action the character is doing. Use the infinitive adjective and conjugate to the past participle. For regular verbs, this depends on the verb ENDING:
-er > -é Example: marcher > marché (walk)
-re > -u Example: attendre > attendu (wait)
-ir > -i Example: sortir > sorti (exit)
If you are using a verb from the list DR MRS VANDERTRAMP:
Take the subject and conjugate "être" (to be) in the present tense.
Il/elle est
Ils/elles sont
Then, choose a DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verb (list is below) and conjugate to the part participle with the same ending rules, unless it's irregular.
Then, make the past participle agree with the subject.
For elle, add an extra -e at the end. Ex: Elle est venue.
For ils, add an extra -s at the end. Ex: Ils sont tombés.
For elles, add -es at the end. Ex: Elles sont parties.
*devenir / devenu - to become
*revenir / revenu - to come back
monter - to climb
rester - to rest
sortir - to exit
venir - to come
aller - to go
*naître / né - to be born
descendre - to descend
entrer - to enter
rentrer - to re-enter
tomber - to fall
retourner - to return
arriver - to arrive
*mourir / mort - to die
partir - to leave
*irregular verb / part participle written