Answer: unconscious contains complexes. Complexes are emotionally charged nodes or bundles. One can imagine a sphere whose outer layers are associated with individual life (situations). In the very core of such a node or bundle are images that are usually called "archetypal" or "primordial" because these images have nothing to do with the individual but are collective and contain fundamental age-old experiences (mothering, mating, progress, emancipation, killing, nurturing etc.). If something triggers these complexes (it can be a situation, fantasy, word, memory etc.) all this complex is stimulated and under special conditions - in therapy for ex. - can become conscious. Complexes carry enormous energy. If the complex gets conscious (at least partly) then this energy comes to the conscious psychology (centered around ego)....thus an individal gets much more free in his decision-making.
Explanation: this current of psychology/psychotherapy is exclusively Jungian and (after Jung´s death in 1961) post-Jungian (Hillman, Fordham, Giegerich). Even though Freudians and Jungians have been re-approaching in many respects during last decades, I would not use term "post-Freudian" in this context.