C) a positive result from regulatory and economic environmental forces.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the short run the whole economy will benefit, more American jobs will be created, consumers will probably get good cars at even lower prices, but on the long run the scenario may not be that good for everyone. If Toyota builds the plant, it will be the result of economic and political pressures, and that is a game that two can play, just ask farmers about the trade deal with China.
On the other hand, this is a type of deja vu (or been there, done that), and it ended up with GM and Chrysler bankrupt and Ford barely surviving. This types of policies were enforced in the 1980s by president Reagan and the famous "Made in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen. Back then Honda had a small factory and Toyota was starting to consider building a plant in the US, Nissan hadn't showed up yet. Fast forward a few years and the only good American vehicles are pickups, the Japanese brands wiped out the rest. The country is full of Camrys, Accords, Civics, Corollas, CRVs and Rav4s. They are great cars, too great for the American car manufacturers to compete against. Who knows, with this type of policies maybe in 10 years the only American car manufacturer left will be Tesla.
This is like playing with fire on top of a fuel truck.