5,290,000,000,000 written in words would be
five trillion, two hundred and ninety billion
Written in scientific notation would be
When writing numbers in words you always want to go from left to right, the last three of your digit was in the hundreds place, then the next three were in the thousands place, than the millions, then the billions, and last was the trillions which is where we got five trillion to start out with, you next number was two hundred and ninety billion, because your next place value was in the billions.
When writing numbers using scientific notation you always want just one number to the left of the decimal point. When adding a decimal we put it right after the 5 because then we only have one number in front of the decimal point. Then you would go times 10 to the whatever power it is. In our case it was 12 because you go from your decimal point and count backwards til you get to the correct number that you want
-Hope this helps ;)