85 %
Step-by-step explanation:
Historically, data warehouses had been formed using structured repetitive data that was filtered before entering the data warehouse. However, in recent years, the data warehouse has evolved due to contextual information that can now be attached to unstructured data and that can also be stored.
Those first structured relational data could not be mixed and matched for analytical subjects with unstructured textual data. But with the advent of contextualization, these types of analyzes can now be done naturally and easily.
Classic analytical processing of transaction-based data is performed in the data warehouse as it has always been done. Nothing has changed there. But now you can become analytical about contextualized data, and that form of analysis is new. Most organizations, until now, did not have to base their decision making on unstructured textual data. And now there is a new way of analysis possible in a Data Warehouse: the possibility of mixing analysis. The combined analysis is performed by a combination of structured transactional data and unstructured contextual data.
According to a research by Merrill Lynch indicates that 85 % of all coporate date is stored in some sort of unstructured form like data warehouse.