The program to this question as follows:
PRINT "Program: Area of Triangle" 'print message
INPUT "Enter base: ", base 'defining the variable base and input value from the user
INPUT "Enter height:",height 'defining variable height and input a value from user
Area=base*height/2 'formula to calculate Area
PRINT "Area of Triangle:", Area 'print Area
Program: Area of Triangle
Enter base: 2
Enter height: 3
Area of Triangle: 3
Step-by-step explanation:
In the above Qbasic program, first, a print function is used to print the message. In the next line, the input function is defined, which uses the "base and height" variable for user input.
Then another variable "Area" is defined that uses user input values to calculate the area of a triangle, and also store its calculated value. At the last, the print function is used to print Area variable value