Yo creo que si recibiera 10 millones de dólares, yo viajaría por el mundo para conocer nuevas culturas. Además, si recibiera ese dinero, me compraría un auto lujoso para manejarlo. Si recibiera tanto dinero, me compraría una casa grande para vivir con mi familia. Si recibiera 10 millones de pesos, ayudaría a la gente que necesita dinero. También, construiría un centro de atención para animales enfermos.
Step-by-step explanation:
Conditional sentences of type 2 follow this structure and express a condition of little possible realization:
Si+pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo, +pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo
That structure in english would be:
If+Past simple,+Subject+would+verb (infinitive)
The translation of the paragraph is:
I believe that if I received 10 million dollars, I would travel the world to meet new cultures. Also, if I received that money, I would buy a luxurious car to drive it. If I received so much money, I would buy a large house to live in with my family. If I received 10 million dollars, I would help people who need money. Also, I would build a care center for sick animals.