The following might an ethnomusicologist study
A. Javanese Gamelan music
B. Twentieth century notation practice
Step-by-step explanation:
- Ethnomusicology is the music, human make it from culture and social form of people.
- Folklore music to popular music to musical practices associated with exclusive classes.
- It enclose distinct methodical and theoretical approaches that emphasize cognitive, biological, cultural, social, material context of musical behavior.
- Mantle Hood, the American ethnomusicologist dedicated his career to the study of Javanese gamelan music. His instrument is represented well in American academia.
- Studying traditional non-western music was considered to be uncontaminated by West, in 20th century. Contemporary and mass-mediated popular forms of music such as rock, Afro-pop, rap, salsa. More well researched classics of Hindustani classical music, Javanese gamelan and West African music.