Probability of an event X given event Y
P (X ║ Y) =

The Green, which operates 85% of the cabs, and the Blue, which operates the remaining 15%.
⇒ P ( Cab = Green ) = 0.85
P ( Cab = Blue ) = 0.15
The witness correctly identified the color of a cab 80% of the time and misidentified it the other 20%.
∴ we can say;
⇒ P ( identify = Blue ║ cab = Blue ) = 0.80
P ( identify = Blue ║ cab = Green ) = 0.20
P ( identify = Blue ║ cab = Green ) = 0.80
P ( identify = Blue ║ cab = Blue ) = 0.20
The witness identifies the hit-and-run cab as Blue.
Probability that the cab involved in the accident was Blue will be;





= 0.4138