Step-by-step explanation:
Close or closed-ended questions are those questions in which the answer can be either yes or no; while in open or open-ended questions which requires more or an explanation while answering.
Advantages of Closed Questions
Since the answer of close question is either yes or no; so while comparing the answers from a group of people, the answers to closed questions are much easier to compare and rate. In the case of multiple choice; it is easier to do the analytics
Close questions are easy and quick to answer.
Closed questions are simple and one cannot find it difficult to answer.
Disadvantages of Closed Questions
Even if the respondent does not want to express, closed questions forced them to make a choice or yes or no
In close question respondent cannot fully express his feelings or justifications
In closed questions since the answer is yes or not; it is bit difficult to know that the respondent fully understand the question
Advantages of Open Questions.
Open questions facilitate the respondents to express his views and put more justification which includes feelings, attitudes and understanding of the subject. In this case researcher have the advantage to assess the point of view much better on any particular matter or subject
Disadvantages of Open Questions
In open question during an event where you are interacting with group of people, it is time taking and difficult to extract answers.
In the group of people it make lots of distortion
It is difficult to analyse the response as being in larger group