Answer and explanation:
Plate tectonics is a scientific theory according to which all seven continents were together making a single supercontinent (Pangaea) 335 million years ago. However, the formation of convection cells within Earth (the molten material or magma) and with the help of gravity, the supercontinent started breaking apart at weaker zones. Eath broken parts or continents then started moving in different directions leading to continental drift.
The continental drift, later on, become the reason for the evolution of different plant species. Initially, all the plants and animals were living on single supercontinent but after plate tectonics, each continent started moving away from each other and so the climate conditions were also changing. Therefore, organisms living on the continents adapted themselves to a newer climate for their better survival. This lead to their evolution based on environmental conditions.
Charles Darwin observed fossils record for the organisms which belong to different continents but their morphological features were similar. He concluded that these organisms were the ancestors of modern species that became apart due to continental drift and adapted themselves to the new environment leading to their evolution and emerging as new species.