When the driver first sees the overturned truck, he will continue to move at 65mi/h during this reaction time. During this time, the vehicle will travel 1.47*65*t feet, or 95.5f ft.
Distance available for braking is 350-95.5t feet. This is the distance that is available for deceleration before the vehicle hits the overturned truck. The formula for braking distance is
d=(si²-sf²)/30(F +/- 0.01G)
In this case, the initial speed (Si) is 65mi/h. The friction factor, F, is related to the deceleration rate, and is computed by dividing the deceleration rate by the deceleration rate due to gravity, or 10/32.2 =0.31. The grade is level, i.e., G = 0. The braking distance is 350 – 95.5t.
This equation is solved for various values of t from 0.50 to 5.00 s. Note that at the point where the reaction distance becomes more than 350ft, the final speed is a constant 65mi/h, and the braking distance is essentially “0.”
Check the attachment below for the table and graph.
The vehicle is going to hit the overturned truck in any event. For reaction times over approximately 3.75s, the vehicle will hit the truck at full speed, 65mi/h.