Answer: Please check the 'CONCLUSION' part of the Explanation.
Step-by-step explanation:
''Redlining is the process whereby builders, brokers, and rental property managers induce purchasers or lessees of real property to buy land or rent premises in neighborhoods composed of persons of the same race''.
The above statement is true. It is a form of discriminating against races/racism. It existed in the banking and insurance industries in the 1930s, unfortunately, even though it has decreased, it still occured in recent times.
In year 1988,an amendment act known as the Fair Housing Amendments Act was signed into law which makes it unlawful or illegal to restrict or discriminate against any individual(because of their culture, religion, races, and so on) of buying lands, or renting properties in neighborhoods composed of persons of the same race which are different from the purchasers or lessees.
CONCLUSION: THE ANSWER WILL BE FALSE(OPTION B), IF THE PURCHASERS OR LESSEES ARE OF THE SAME RACE, that is because redlining is not a process of the discriminating between the same race.
The answer will be the opposite, if the purchasers or LESSEES are of DIFFERENT race.
Check the last part of the question ''...the same race'' which means that the answer is option B= false.