2 votes
You are given a file consisting of students’ names in the following form: lastName, firstName middleName. (Note that some students may not have a middle name.) Write a program that converts each name to the following form: firstName middleName lastName. Your program must read each student’s entire name into a variable and must contain a function that takes as input a string, consisting of a student’s name, and returns a string consisting of the altered name. • Use the string function find to find the index of , • the function length to find the length of the string • the function substr to extract the firstName, middleName and lastName. Output the altered name into a file. This program has no user interface.a. Banks,John Williamb. Barret,Ronc. Drew,Lucy Maried. Perry,Mark Ge. Smith,John Carr

User Marielaure
7.6k points

1 Answer

2 votes


#include <iostream> // header file for input output functions

#include <string> // header file for string manipulation

#include <fstream> // for handling file functions

using namespace std; //namespace is used to identify objects like cout, cin

void NamesFunction() {

// Function to convert names to format firstName middleName lastName string Name; //String type variable to store full name

ifstream DataFile; //used to read input from a file

ofstream OutputFile; // used for writing in a file

string lastName; // string type variable to store last name

string firstName; // string type variable to store first name

int position; // used to store position of a specified character in the string

int size; // stores length of full name


//opens text file using object DataFile

OutputFile.open("outputext.txt" );

//opens the text file using object OutputFile

do { //start of Do while loop

getline(DataFile, Name); //reads full names from input stream

position = Name.find(","); // stores position of the , in the name

lastName = Name.substr(0, position);

// stores substring last name from full name

size= Name.length(); //store the length of the entire name

firstName = Name.substr(position + 2, size);

/* stores first name substring from entire name string with the help of specified position */

OutputFile<< firstName << " "; //output first name in text file

cout << firstName << " ";

OutputFile<< lastName << endl; //outputs last name in text file

cout << lastName << endl; }

while (DataFile.eof() == false);

//loop continues until the end of input file is reached

DataFile.close(); //closes input file

OutputFile.close(); } //closes output file

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //start of main function

{ NamesFunction(); // calls NamesFunction()


Step-by-step explanation:

The brief description of included header files is mentioned in the comments added to the program. Lets begin from the NamesFunction() function.

The string variable Name contains the entire string of full names. Then ifstream class is used which is used to read the input file using an object. The object here is DataFile. ofstream is used to write on a file using an object which is named as OutputFile here. firstName and lastName holds first and last names. position variable stores the specified position. Here the position stores the index position of comma (,) in the string which comes between the lastName and firstName in the input file. size variable holds the length of the Name string.

The function substr is used here to divide the string into substring which is the part of the string that starts at character position and traverses through the specified length of characters.

Here to get the last name in the Name string, substr is used which has two parameters 0 and position means that the substring is obtained starting from 0 position of string and ends where it encounters (,).

Similarly to get the first name, this function is used and it has two parameters; position+2 and size which states that substring will start from two places after (,) and ends till the length of the string. Here position+2 means that it will skip the space between the first name and last name.

Next the names are displayed and stored in the output file via the OutputFile object in the format : firstName middleName lastName

close function will close both the input and output files

Main function calls this function NamesFunction to execute.

User Monica Acha
7.4k points