The white light is divided into its component hues - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet - as it passes through the prism. Dispersion is the splitting of visible light into its many hues.
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Dispersion is the splitting of visible light into its many hues. Each hue is associated with a certain wave frequency, as stated in the Light and Color unit, and different frequencies of light waves bend at different rates while passing through a prism.
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The white light is divided into its component hues - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet - as it passes through the prism. Dispersion is the splitting of visible light into its many hues.
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The sun and the weather combine to create a rainbow. As it passes from air to denser water, light enters a water droplet, slowing and bending. The light bounces off the interior of the droplet, separating the wavelengths—or colors—that make up the droplet. A rainbow is created as light escapes the droplet.