Answer: jim already had a rigid opinion about what will work in the United States .
Superiority complex on the side of Jim.
Language barrier.
He is not impressed by the German outlook and dressing
Explanation:there are several barriers that may hinder the successful implementation of the new product line which has saved thousand of euros for the Germans,one is the fact that Mr jim already has a predisposed idea that the implementation will not work one can only wonder why he invited the German in the first place,it's obvious that the invitation if the German came from a higher pedestal and could be one if the reason Mr jim believes contrarily ,he believes innovation will not work in the USA,meanwhile ,world over , workers tend to resist change and innovation but there are a lot of measures to bring them to the table which include engaging them in every stageof the implementation , assuring them that there will be no job loss due to innovation,making them to see the advantages of the proposed changes to all.
The feeling of superiority to the Germans and their technology is very obvious ,ranging from the quiet disparaging of the visitors accent and pronounciation ,condemn his outfit rather than concentrating on what he has to offer ,he has a set mind ,which find everything about the Germans will be difficult to adopt the new technology with Jim at the helm of affairs at the Chicago plant .