Statement 1 and statement 4 apply
Statement 1: His sample will probably be baise, although the sampling method may involve simple random but itis intentional and only target the first 50 students he met at the band practice and he will definitely miss other students who are present at the band practice.
Statement 2: His sample cannot be valid as the students present at the band practice does not make a reasonable percentage of the school as well not true representation of the student population of the school.
Statement 3: His sampling target a particular group of students in the school as such it cannot be categorize as random sampling.
Statement 4: His sample is probably invalid as it does not make true inference of the student population and cannot ascertain the plan of most students.
Statement 5: His sample is not a good representation of the student population because it gathers only the opinion of few of the students which cannot give ideas of the entire students.