The circumstances in which the sculpture was made in the Persian war and various conflicts between Greeks and Persians. Greeks were winning and were confident.
Step-by-step explanation:
The name of the sculpture is Apollo with Battling Lapiths and Centaurs.
It is taken from the west pediment on the Temple of Zeus in Olympia and is not stated in the Archaeological museum of the city.
It dates to somewhere around 460 BCE, which means it belongs to the Classical period of Greek history.
The sculpture represents the famous myth of the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs in which centaurs, invited to the wedding of Lapiths, got drunk and kidnapped the bride Hippodameia. Centaurs violated the wedding guest and the battle started, in which Lapiths won. Here we see Apollo overlooking the battle and displaying his power with the swiftly outstretched arm.
The circumstances in which the sculpture was made in the Persian war and various conflicts between Greeks and Persians. Greeks were winning and were confident.
The statue is the symbolic representation of the Greek power and triumph of the order and rationality over "the barbarian" forces of the Persian army that are symbolized in the centaur attackers.