20 feet blood vessels and 1000 nerve endings
Step-by-step explanation:
The skin is the largest organ of the body and is composed of three layers that are epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous layer. The outer layer is the epidermis consisting of cells that are tightly packed in around in 20 layers. The middle thick layer is the dermis that consist of glands, nerves, blood vessels, and hair follicles that provide skin its functions. The inner layer is the subcutaneous that is composed of connective tissue and fat.
The square inch of skin consist of 20 feet blood vessels, 1000 nerve endings, 650 sweat glands and 100 oil glands. The blood vessels supplies blood to the tissues and the nerve endings upon stimulation sends signals to the brain and generate response depending on the kind of stimulus like heat, pressure, pain, or temperature.